Sycamore Industrial Park


12445 Hwy 56 NorthClinton, SS
Clinton, South Carolina 29325
Laurens County

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Property Description

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Physical Characteristics

Total Acreage
295.00 acres
Certified Property?
Palmetto Sites


Nearest Commercial Airport
Greenville-Spartanburg International
Nearest Interstate
Nearest Port

Utilities and Service

Diameter of Waste Water Main
12 in.
Diameter of Water Main
10 in.
Distance to Natural Gas Provider
15,840 feet
Distance to Sewer Service
4,700 feet
Electric Provider
Laurens Electric Cooperative
Natural Gas Provider
Clinton Newberry Natural Gas Authority
Sewer Service Provider
City of Clinton
Telecommunications Providers
Type of Sewer
Water Service Provider
City of Clinton

Property Files

Click on any image to view larger.

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File 3
File 4
File 5


Due Diligence 1
Cultural Resource Identification Survey - Not Completed
Due Diligence 2
Boundary Survey - Not Completed
Due Diligence 3
Protected Species Assessment - Not Completed
Due Diligence 4
Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Exploration - Not Completed
Due Diligence 5
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment - Not Completed
Due Diligence 6
Wetlands Delineation - Completed
Due Diligence 7
Topgraphical Survey - Not Completed
Pricing Information
For Sale - $25,000 per acre
Tax Map ID
635-00-00-002, 635-00-00-026, 625-00-00-019
No assigned zoning