Companies and Employers Leading the Way in Laurens County



The diverse business landscape in Laurens County, South Carolina makes it an ideal place to expand a company. From machinery to freight transport, the wide range of major companies in Laurens County contributes to the thriving economy. Continue reading to learn more about the company profiles of Laurens County’s top employers.

Major Employers in Laurens County

South Carolina is home to a variety of growing sectors, but one of its major industries is manufacturing. CCL Label, ZF Transmissions, and Ceramtec North America stand out as some of its top manufacturing employers. These companies and others like them have created countless job opportunities in the Laurens County area. To increase the number of skilled employees available, the nearby Center for Advanced Manufacturing is available to train people interested in entering the field. The Center was created to support the manufacturing sector's growing training needs in the region. Having the training center nearby has turned Laurens County into a manufacturing hub, with hundreds of skilled employees graduating from the center and looking for work.

Laurens County is also close to the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (CUICAR), an advanced-technology research campus where education, research, and economic development collaborate to create a global venue for the automotive industry. The center’s world-class research labs are home to talented, brilliant young professionals who are eager to enter the automotive workforce. A major automotive employer benefiting from the Center is Yanfeng Automotive Interiors, an assembly plant with nearly 900 employees. Laurens County is still looking for more automotive industries to grow in the area to meet the abundance of skilled individuals looking for work. To see what sites are available for expansion, use our site selection tool here.

Resources for Companies in Laurens County

Laurens County is a South Carolina Work Ready Community, which is a measure of the quality of a county’s workforce. It serves as an assurance to businesses that the community is committed to providing the highly skilled workforce required in today’s competitive economy. The high-quality workforce is a result of dedicated programs that prepare workers for success.

Both Laurens County School Districts offer a dual credit program with Piedmont Technical College, which allows students to take courses at PTC while still in high school. While some students use this to prepare them for a bachelor’s degree, many take advantage of this program to jump directly into the manufacturing environment after graduating.

The Laurens County workforce and industries also have access to ReadySC™, one of the nation’s premier economic development training programs. Since 1961, this program has trained more than 300,000 workers in preparation for a technical career. The program has helped thousands of companies receive custom-designed workforce recruiting and training solutions.

Lastly, Apprenticeship Carolina™ works to ensure all employers in South Carolina have access to the information and technical assistance they need to create demand-driven registered apprenticeship programs.

Employers and individuals alike have access to plentiful resources to advance the workforce in South Carolina. Visit our website or contact us today to see why these leading companies call Laurens County home.

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